(20 customer reviews)



Join Queen Cotaliya de la Livre, The Hoodoo Queen for monthly traditional community services.  Each service provides spiritual services and products ranging from candles, oils, and herbal blends! This is the time of year where Queen Cotaliya & the Milner-Meadows de la Livre Lineage is Honored and in return of that honor the lineage provides an annual blessing service.



  • CANDLE Service Petition :

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  1. Kimberly Baker

    Hello, I am doing a review for the previous community service! I ordered high John community service and on the very night ritual was completed, (Sunday Night) $35,000.00 was direct deposited into my account. I am being completely honest. Queen cares so much about the African American community and I am so very grateful for what she’s done for me! Small price to invest to gain so much!!

  2. Nichole Owens (verified owner)

    My name is Nichole. I am still shaking and in tears as I compose this testament to the awesome work that Queen puts in. There is a lengthy story behind this happening; I will offer only but a portion. I am currently living with the father of my son; he is a year old. We have known each other and been friends since I was 12; I am now 41! We were best friends. We dated, hung out, we had the greatest of times; then, we got pregnant. He treated me so golden; my 12 year old son as well. He asked me to move with him so that our joined families could all be together; I decided to do so. Things were fine, awesome actually until I started to notice signs that something was awry. He has been doing the most disgusting things behind my back. The most noteworthy is that he sees multiple women but one, he allowed to trust come in between our friendship. She began stalking me and when I called it to his attention, he did nothing. So, I pulled back, no sex, we don’t talk anymore, etc. He has become this emotionally abusive monster that I no longer recognize; he has taken everything he knows about my beyond traumatic childhood and used it against me. Now me, possessing the personality that I have, internalized it all; this is what trauma causes you to do. Anyway, baby, I put in my petition for the September community service; not to get him back, or to soften his heart (I performed jar work for this and it works) but so that I could see the bigger picture. I have struggled with depression from this to the point where I attempted suicide in November. So, put in for the service but I forgot to mention my name and my DOB; I was initially worried; then I settled down and put my faith in the Spirit, the ancestors, and Queen. I had a dream last night that I was in a traveling group of some sort; my children were there , women, and a very large man that was the doppelgänger of my ” parent partner”. He guided me and told the group what we needed to do in order to move along. For some reason he specifically leaned on me. Then this large figure told me that he had to leave the group behind and he wanted me to lead because he knew my heart, my power, my love would allow me to do so. Then I heard a man sobbing, his head was sunken in the breasts of a woman holding him; well, the man was him, my partner! The large “him” told me not to comfort him (in the dream, I began to walk over to do so even with this woman already doing so). the large version of him told me that he did not deserve me and that me moving along would teach him about himself; not about my worth, not about how he messed up, but about how his actions are a reflection of himself. He asked me to make flatbreads for the group; I recall molding these loaves and traveling on.
    I woke up next to him in tears; but tears of joy. I grabbed his hand in his sleep and whispered, “I forgive you and myself, and I am letting you go”. I grabbed the sack of smoky quartz out of my pillow case and cried; I thanked the ancestors for guiding me to this realization that I am so much better than all of this. While everything in this dream may not be literal, I trust that the large figure of him was possibly the better version of him revealing truths; Im not sure. I do know that as of 4:44 this morning (that was the EACT time that I work up n tears following the dream), I am a new being! Queen, I know that even if my physical name was not submitted, you were guided to work in my favor as well.

  3. Gerald (verified owner)

    Well worth the investment! Try a Community Service for yourself!

    I must share that I purchased the September Full Moon Blockbuster Service and I was thoroughly pleased with the results. My objective in purchasing the service was to simply experience it for myself. I didn’t have any major expectations. There was one blockage that I had in mind regarding my business, but I came into the service open to all experiences. The service was performed on Wednesday, September 2nd and my result came on Saturday, September 5th. The blockage that was removed was a long standing family blockage and I am still dealing with the effects of what transpired. The personal clarity and insight that I gained from the experience has been tremendous and I’m so thankful to Queen for sharing her conjure in this community format. I will only speak for myself and say that booking this service was well worth the small investment and the “proof is in the pudding”. I look forward to receiving my Blockbuster incense to put the final exclamation on the work that has already been done. Thank you Queen Co.Meadows and Conjure South!

  4. kimberlycooperbanzer (verified owner)

    I participated in the New Moon service and she blessed me this morning in my bank account. Thank you so so much. I broke down in tears when I seen my balance this morning but I also jumped up with so much joy! Put all your faith into Conjure South!!!

  5. Apple (verified owner)

    I spoke with Queen on Friday for a reading, I was told to do something for my business and did EXACTLY what was told on that Saturday because I noticed I didn’t have anymore charcoal Friday night and the stores were closed. I be damn if Saturday night/ Sunday morning my first sale came and yes it’s still Sunday but it’s safe to say they haven’t stopped. I’m greatly appreciative for Queen which is really my aunt she just didn’t know lol. Thanks for your knowledge and guidance

  6. Valerie C. (verified owner)

    Oh I have A testimony to tell. Baby. I took Part in the July née moon community service that came with. High john mojo bag. I’ve been feeding my Hugh john monthly since I received It and talking to him and when I say He came thru for me. High john came through!!!! High john along with my free weekly readings from Queen and using a lil magic from the book Magia Magia, have been nothing short of amazing. And the most recent reading said cancers should see some movement or a shift. And when I say Things have not just shifted but did a whole turn around!!!!! I am So excited to see whats to Come next. I’m about to prepare dinner and feed and thank High John tonight. Much gratitude to you Queen Co. for your time energy and wisdom.

  7. James Ra (verified owner)

    Im adding this review from last months, “abundance” community service. Chilllleeee! So, what happend was, sonething told me to hit the community service! That week my landlord decided to illegally evict me! Bot only did I get a check for $1,000 in the mail the NEXT DAY AFTER I signed up, I’m getting ready now to move into a house thats not only more affordable but is much better than this one! I am so greatful for queen co. Her family, Asé & ancestors! Thank you! You litteraly saved my family from homelessness..and poverty! Cause even moving, we bot hurting! Asé! Asé! Thank you!

  8. Angela (verified owner)

    I did this a couple of weeks ago because my husband was killed in a really bad car accident about a year ago and the insurance company seemed to be a bit reluctant in paying me and my children the money that we deserved. We received our complete pay out and an additional two thousand dollars that I did not know we were entitled to. So yes this does work.

  9. M (verified owner)

    I used the high John mojo hand and he came through!!! I desperately needed an apartment and was running out of time and I worked with him as told then bam! New apartment 800 all bills paid ! So thankful!!!

  10. Raleigh Bryant III (verified owner)

    The Reset Community service was totally effective.! The day after the candle service, I felt so relieved, optimistic and overall excited about the future. The past troubles/issues that used to cause me anxiety and angst have almost been completely removed. I’m restored and focused on fulfilling my true purpose. I’m truly grateful and appreciative.

  11. Kenya (verified owner)

    Okay! I participated in the lamp services for September 8th community service. The Bonne Chance & Favor Lamp. It began last night when 17 yr old daughter said that her job deposited $119 into her account and couldn’t understand why because she had been on leave due to transportation issues. Well, this morning I wake up to notification of a deposit into my bank account of $23.00 from my ex-employer. Then, something told me to check the balance of my 2nd account. I discovered that another deposit of $500 had been made into that account from a source whom had denied my application recently. Queen, I am greatly appreciative for the work you do. Some of this is money is being invested back into your business.
    ~ Kenya

  12. Karen Thomas-Oubssis (verified owner)

    I am so blessed to have taken part in this service. I did the road opener for myself and my daughter. Wow is all I can say! My daughter had been battling with a company that she ordered merchandise from and they did not send her order. This has gone on since may. We filed a complaint with the bank in September but they said it was not likely to be resolved. Well BAM! She came into my room on October 28 and said she was refunded the full amount $467! Then I woke up this morning and I noticed extra money was in my account. I see my employer paid me an additional $207! I paid off one of my loans and they emailed me to let me know I overpaid and they were refunding me $49!!! Let me tell you if you believe and put your faith in it, it will happen. Queen you are wonderful. I’m looking forward to the next candle service. I will definitely take part in it! Blessings

  13. Karen Thomas-Oubssis (verified owner)

    High John is coming through!!! My daughter received $1750 out of the blue and right on time! She sent me a text message saying she received an email from her school telling her to expect a deposit in her account for this amount. We still have no idea why! I rubbed some of the oil in my hands and asked High John to help me with a certain situation. That morning I checked my email and BAM! There was an important message there. I am still waiting on that outcome, but the first step went very well! Things are moving forward and I left him a little something that morning to say thank you! The Queen is so authentic!!! She is the real deal….I am so happy my ancestors directed me to her!!

  14. Tiya S

    I am so grateful for Queen and the community service. I participated in the January Money lamp service. I have been looking for work for 7 months. I received a call on 01/24/2022 to interview for a job. I interviewed on 01/26/2022 and it was one of the best interviews I have actually had and I enjoyed it. I received a call on 01/27/2022 offering me the position. I am sooo grateful beyond measure. Queen I am so grateful to you, your ancestors and the spirits that you work with to give back to so many!!!

  15. Jay (verified owner)

    I’m looking for the extra stars because 5 just ain’t giving!! I was going through an issue at my job where a group of individuals asked me to do something that I know without a doubt is wrong. I went to the two next line managers last year but my reports about the situation fell on deaf ears! In fact they agreed with the evildoers and tried to help them make me hide their mess. I was STRESSED because I had no backing to support me in telling these people they were wrong. But another manager listened and started helping me but things were moving slow. I was getting in more and more trouble for not doing this thing that I know is wrong! Well honey let me tell you I dropped that situation off at the January Community Service for Queen to take to Papa Jim and in A DAY that thing turned around! C Suite Level people got involved, lawyers got involved and they all immediately took my side and took action overnight for what we have been fighting against for months. I almost cried at the speed of the resolution and allies I gained. C Suite level people know my name and showed up to support me!! This is big!!! If I could tell you all the details of my position and what industry I work in your mouth would drop based on the actions of these individuals and what they asked me to do! But man I’m so grateful for having people like Queen in my corner who can get to the issues at hand and right the wrongs! Thank you simply doesn’t express my gratitude! ❤️

  16. N.A. (verified owner)

    I truly recommend. Honestly, as a worker myself, I even moreso recommend. There are times where you cannot quite do it, it’s too much going on, and things are just falling to the wayside. Go head on and leave it with Queen Cotalyia and walk on in confidence.

    I joined the January 2023 Community service
    – enemy removal – and had a live-in ex that I really put so much energy into and was just drained. The mental and emotional strain and energy of draining coming from him was immense. I had previously done work to get him his dream job – and another before that – , not to mention just upped his lifestyle in general while shaming me for also being a spiritual worker, for hoodoo, strangely passively in ways I wasn’t able to catch at the time. Insidious.

    Further, he wasn’t pouring into me in fact I felt like my spirit was dying and he was not leaving the home I put together that we shared even after breaking it off. So I did what little work I could do to simply bring me the solution. And the next day Queen posted about enemy removal. At the time I was so drained I didn’t know if he was an conscious active enemy but just knew I needed him gone since he was trying to hold on. I asked that there would be no further strain or harm done to either party but I did what had to be done.

    Within less than 7 days and at 13:00 (important to note), he was like a rabid dog and somehow went crazy and left. When I tell yall he was for sure an enemy with the things he was saying to me before he left. I’m sure down the line he could have killed me. That mental fog started clearing asap

    I haven’t seen him since. I had enough of myself back to start doing more energy recall and rescinded all spells that were done on his behalf.

    My mother saw him recently to give him mail and wouldn’t you know – he lost that dream job and is couch surfing and apparently doesn’t look too good. Yall. Papa Jim did not play. And it’s even better if you have your own workings, spirits, and cultivated ancestor relationships because they get amplified and will work harmoniously.

    So if you yourself are a worker do not be afraid or scoff at getting some outside help when you need it.

  17. Christopher (verified owner)

    I’ve participated in multiple community services done by Queen and have received results each and every time. I will be giving my testimony on the High John and quick money December community service. When I did the high John service I received a check for $729 the day after the high John service was done(this was not from paid income.) and then I received a 1,250 check from the quick money service. This money literally will support me through college so I don’t have to get a job and split my focus. Thank you so much Queen for all you have done and will continue to do for the community. I also would like to thank The queens royal lineage, High John, and the spirits that Queen works with that have helped me obtain these blessings.

  18. Bridgette BROWN

    I did the Feb comm love ❤️ spell. Yesterday As I was driving, there was a man who actually defended me. A lady had put me on wording into my lane in front of me. Then a truck driver saw it, and he immediately swerved in front of her. We look at each other as we pass by, and he smile, and I give him the thumbs up. I have been Improvements to several of my Jeep, I have been assisted by many men. For example, a new motor will be put in my Jeep and yesterday, while taking the interior out of one of the Jeep, I was met with the statement anything you need I am here for it. And that means a lot. I’m out hear interior changing these Jeeps

  19. Orly (verified owner)

    I did the domination service with love and money in February 2023 for a very stubborn target. Don’t sleep on Queen because even though the target was in a different country he definitely was SOFTENED and kept his promise. He wasn’t volatile and stubborn like he usually is and definitely became kind and generous towards me. Queen is very talented I’m looking forward to more services from her!

  20. Lily (verified owner)

    I did the High John community service about a week ago. Have not yet received the material to do my part but already I have been visited 3 times, with instructions. I have to say, this is my first time approaching High John and I was expecting a different type of spirit. It’s like he’s preparing me to receive and maintain what he is about to provide. I am already so satisfied because I can take what he taught me thus far absolutely everywhere I go.

    Thank you High John & thank you Queen Cotaliya for that powerful introduction!

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